Wednesday 18 July 2012

VU & Partner Conference, Beijing

Several Faculty staff were among conference participants
Several Faculty staff – Colin Clark, Elisabeth Wilson-Evered, Wei Dai, Joanne Pyke, Min Jiang, Torgeir Watne and Alan McWilliams - recently participated in the highly successful 7th Victoria University and Chinese partner conference, held at the Central Garden Hotel, Beijing.

This year the conference title was “Enriching Partnerships: Deepening Learning and Research Opportunities for Global Graduates and Academics”, reflecting an enhanced Research focus, which addressed VU and Chinese institution feedback from previous conferences. This meant there was a Research stream running concurrently with a Teaching and Learning stream.

All of VU’s mainland Chinese partners participated and with the added objective of building VU’s profile in HDR, graduating students and new researchers from Beijing Jiaotong University and Central University of Finance and Economics were also invited. Feedback from participants ranged from “I did not know VU did so much research” to “really important” to “what else can we research together?”

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