Friday 10 February 2012

Kudos in February to...

Nada Kulen (Accounting & Finance), whose research paper 'Measuring Returns on Hong Kong Tourism Marketing Expenditure' was selected for the 2011 Thea Sinclair Award for Journal Article Excellence. The paper was a joint project with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel and Tourism Management. The award is named in honour of Professor Thea Sinclair for her work in the field of Tourism Economics.

Dr Colin Higgins (Management & Information Systems), along with Wendy Stubbs from Monash University, has been awarded a research grant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia. They will investigate the growing phenomenon of ‘Integrated Reporting’ as a way for organisations to demonstrate their approach and commitment to sustainable development.

Dr Colin Higgins (Management & Information Systems), Dr Romana Garma (International Business), and Dr Peter Demediuk (Accounting & Finance) have been awarded an International Teaching and Learning Grant to investigate how sustainability is taught in international MBA programs – with a view to identifying best practice and to drive changes in the MBA curriculum.

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