Friday 10 February 2012

Professor Pauline Stanton in HR Monthly magazine

An interview with Professor Pauline Stanton appears in February’s edition of HR Monthly, the journal of the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), as part of a feature article on HR Practices in Multinational Enterprises. The article focuses on the publication of a research report 'A Profile of Human Resource Management in Multinational Enterprises Operating in Australia', which was launched late last year by AHRI National President, Peter Wilson. The report was carried out by researchers from the School of Management and Information Systems – Professor Pauline Stanton and PhD students Helen Russell and Gitika Sablok - along with researchers from La Trobe University, the University of Newcastle and the University of South Australia. The researchers are currently analysing the data to reveal trends for HR in Multi National Enterprises and some of the drivers behind these trends.

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