Monday 16 April 2012

CSES research in the news

Research from The Centre for Strategic Economic Studies (CSES) has had some excellent media coverage recently. Senior Research Fellow Joanne Pyke has had her research publicised in the LH Martin Institute Newsletter. Her PhD thesis explores why women continue to be a minority in senior academic roles in Australian universities despite more than 25 years of equal opportunity policies and legislation. Read more on Women, choice and promotion: why women are still a minority in the professoriate.

A report by Sally Weller, Peter Sheehan and John Tomaney prepared for Regional Development Victoria, has found the government has exaggerated the Latrobe Valley's ability to cope with the impact of the tax. Read media coverage on the the report in the Latrobe Valley Express and The Australian online.

In an interview published in The Age newspaper Professor Bruce Rasmussen said Victorian industries had some capacity to meet China’s enormous demand for clean technology, as well as food supply as immediate opportunities. Read 'New polish on the factory floor' in The Age Online.

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