Friday 26 October 2012

Potential Unlimited 5 Launch

A band performs at the launch
Earlier this month, Potential Unlimited 5 launched another 11 acts through their unique VU student record label. Students of the Music Publishing and Recording unit were required to identify, contact and license a particular song from an emerging band or artist. They were then required to construct marketing tools and identify areas of marketing which would be most beneficial to their chosen act. They also uploaded these marketing materials to the Potential Unlimited website - The groups were then given 80 copies of the CD to go out into the market and use to promote their chosen act.

A soloist takes the stage
On Thursday 4th of October, the Potential Unlimited 5 launch was held at Kindred studios in Whitehall Street, Yarraville. The launch event was an undertaking by students from the Live Performance Management unit, and forms part of their assessment.

Due to be finished in December, Kindred studios will house the VU Music & creative industries units in a state of the art facility. The Publishing and Recording and Live Performance students who put together the Potential Unlimited 5 CD and launch event were impressed with what VU is building at Kindred studios, and were happy to have Potential Unlimited 5 launched there to help bring attention to this exciting new facility.

When completed, Kindred will offer a brilliant creative environment for students to work on sound production, performance, composition, studio work, live sound production, sound production software, public address system to name just a few.

Potential Unlimited has proven to be a very popular assignment for the unit Music Publishing and recording unit, with one group concluding their assignment presentation this year by saying, 'We really liked the music industry, and after this experience, we like it even more!'.

Part of the audience enjoying the launch & venue
Student Danica Bulovic said of the evening, 'I think we had at least approximately 90 people there at one point, which was a really excellent turnout. The vibe of the night was really laid back, in my opinion, just like going to see local bands at your local pub. We had free beer on tap and 4 really cool bands play - Velour Fog, James Gowans and band, The Evidence and Luna Ghost - with the set up of the venue allowing everyone in the room to have a really excellent view of the stage.'

Potential Unlimited 4 was shortlisted in the 2011 Independent Music Awards, a US based, global competition for all forms of music. With a judging panel is drawn from US based music industry executives as well as some prominent artists, last years panel included Keith Richards. Potential Unlimited 4 went on to win in the Campus Records category, becoming the only non-US campus to ever win in this category - a feat we will hopefully replicate this year with Potential Unlimited 5.

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