Monday 29 October 2012

SAP Innojam success!

A VU Master of Business ERP Systems student, Selvie Grech, wrote a blog about her experiences in the SAP Innojam event which was hosted our City Flinders campus in August this year. She posted the blog on the SAP Community Network, which gets more than 1.2 million unique individual visits each month. Selvie’s blog and associated picture was highlighted on the opening screen of the site. Rohini Sreedhar, a former VU student, also had her blog highlighted.

The site also distributes a newsletter to it millions of members every 2 weeks. Each newsletter usually has approximately 5 news items. Selvie’s blog was highlighted as one of these news items in the September newsletter.

The Australian InsideSAP industry magazine contacted Selvie to get permission to publish a copy of her blog in their 2013 Yearbook. The magazine has approximately 8,000 subscribers.

This is a great achievement for Selvie and Rohini and good exposure for VU. But it also demonstrates how some simple effective social media activities can reach an enormous audience.

Read more about the SAP Innojam at he SAP site.

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