Thursday 24 May 2012

Accounting, Finance and Investment Student Society Q&A

Students at the AFISS Q&A chat with a presenter at the event
The Accounting, Finance and Investment Student Society (AFISS) hosted an industry Q&A night for their members earlier this month, and the evening was a great success. The 50 plus students in attendance gained valuable insights into the day-to-day dealings of professionals in the Accounting and Finance industries, and heard first-hand what employers are looking for in graduates.

Attendees learnt from the business leaders things such as the hardest interview questions they like to ask, the skills in which they look for when they hire and other valuable hints which indeed was of great value for us students in daunting times ahead. The guest speakers included an Executive Manager from CBA, a Planner and Development Coach from AMP and the CFO of Next Digital.

AFISS will be holding more events in the same vein next semester. If you are a professional in the Accounting and Finance industry and would like speak at a future event, please contact Katherine Pham at

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