Thursday 24 May 2012

May Publication News

  • Victoria Law School's David Parker, Andrew Clarke, Angelo Veljanovski and Marc Posthouwer have had a book published : 'Law Principles and Practice - Corporate Law' (Palgrave MacMillan)
  • Brianna Newland (School of International Business) has, together with Pamm Kellett (Deakin University) an article published in this month's edition of Managing Leisure magazine, titled 'Exploring new models of elite sport delivery: the case of triathlon in the USA and Australia'
  • Can virtual classrooms work? How do teachers and students experience an online learning environment? These are the kind of questions examined by School of Accounting and Finance Researcher Kathy Michael in a recently published paper, Virtual Classroom: Reflection of Online Learning. Kathy investigated a pilot trial of the e-learning program Elluminate Live! in five units at VU, with the aim of gauging students and teachers' experiences of the interactive online system.
  • Dr Nick Sciulli, from the School of Accounting and Finance, has collaborated with Dr. Giulio Greco and Professor Giuseppe D’Onza from Italy's University of Pisa to investigate what motivates Victorian and Tuscan local councils to introduce sustainability reporting. While not legally required to do so, many councils in both Victoria and Tuscany produce sustainability reports voluntarily, either as discrete documents or incorporated into annual reports. Read more on Local Council Sustainability Reporting: Victoria versus Tuscany at the VU website

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