Monday 27 August 2012

AFISS hosts interview workshops

Earlier this month Accounting Finance and Investment Student Society (AFISS) ran the first instalment of their Workshop Series. The workshop, hosted by Ernst & Young's HR team, provided students with the opportunity to learn first-hand how to prepare a structured approach to job applications, allowing them to best highlight their demonstrated skills in alignment with requirements of the position.
AFISS workshop participants

Topics included:
  • how to make your application stand out
  • application don’ts
  • what employers look for in interviews; and
  • wow to answer interview questions with the S.T.A.R (Situation, Task, Action, Result) technique
Although the workshop was administered by Ernst & Young, the techniques described easily translate to the application process of other large financial employers. The session also gave students the opportunity to network with, and ask questions of the E&Y HR team after the presentation.

AFISS will be hosting more workshops in the same vein this semester, some of which will be held within the corporate offices of their sponsors. The next workshop in the series (AMP Horizons presents Rapport Building Workshop) will be run on the 4th of September.

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