Monday 27 August 2012

Transport Law unit an Australian first

L-R: Ron Bartsch, Dr Michael Spisto, Mr Charles Giacco
Earlier this month, BLO2502 Transport Law students were treated to a talk by Mr Ron Bartsch, aviation lawyer, UNSW academic, former head of safety operations at Qantas, and former B717 captain, addressed the Transport Law students (and other VLS/VU students and staff) on the topic of the history of Australian civil aviation regulation. Ron strongly supports this unit of study, saying "Victoria University must be commended for their initiative in identifying and promoting the importance of aviation law as a distinct and important area of law."

BLO2502 Transport Law is a unique law elective unit of study at Victoria Law School (VLS) which provides a specific focus on Aviation Law and Maritime Law in Australia. It is the only unit of study of its kind at any university in Australia.

Transport Law also involves a close industry connection, with participation from leading aviation and maritime industry representatives also involved in the delivery of Transport Law.

In addition to law students at VLS, Transport Law is also available as an elective unit of study to all Faculty of Business and Law students, as well as students from other institutions desirous of undertaking specialised studies in maritime or aviation law.

Any queries about Transport Law can be directed to the unit coordinator, Dr Michael Spisto, or to assistant lecturer, Mr Charles Giacco.

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