Monday 27 August 2012

Presentations news

Faculty of Business and Law Deputy Dean Professor Pauline Stanton and Associate Professor Elisabeth Wilson-Evered attended the prestigious Academy of Management Annual Meeting held between August 3 and 7 in in Boston, Massachusetts.  Pauline presented a paper titled ‘High Performance Work Systems and Social Identification’, which came out of a large study in the health sector and involved co authors from La Trobe University. A more developed version of this paper is now under review for the International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Professor Pauline Stanton also presented with PhD student Gitika Sablok at the Reassessing Employment Involvement and Participation Symposium, organised by the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing at Griffith University on August 15. Their paper is based on work from Gitika’s PhD thesis and is now under review for a special edition of the Journal of Industrial Relations.

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