Friday 14 December 2012

All aboard the Vodkatrain!

Eight BHO2193 Tourism Product Design and Delivery students were selected as finalists in the Vodkatrain/BHO2193 prize. The major assignment in this subject required students, working in pairs, to produce 5 minute Skype videos of interviews done with Vodkatrain tour guides situated in places like Beijing, Suzdal and Moscow. The selected 8 students also attend a seminar on Social Media in the Travel Industry. Students had the option to submit their videos to Vodkatrain for judging and to use in marketing campaigns, and all participants received a certificate of thanks from Vodkatrain.

Ryan Green (4th from the right) and Bridgette Meaden (on the far right) emerged as victors - both receiving a $3,000, 3 week Vodkatrain trans-Mongolian Railway trip, during which they’ll be Vodkatrain’s social media reporters. Ryan and Bridgette will be blogging, posting on Facebook, tweeting and Youtubing their experience throughout the tour.

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