Tuesday 11 December 2012

PG student presents on China Journal of Accounting Research invitation

Yongiang Li’s presents at the China Journal of Accounting Research symposium
Yongqiang Li, an APAI PhD student from Victoria Law School, was invited to China by the China Journal of Accounting Research to present a paper titled “Larger Boards Lead to Better Performance in Small Firms”, coauthored with Professor Anona Armstrong and Professor Andrew Clarke.

The paper was well received by the journal, and will appear in the forthcoming issue of CJAR. Yongqiang was fully funded by the CJAR to attend the conference in Sun Yat-sen University from 16th – 17th November, 2012. About 150 scholars from different countries/regions attended the Symposium. The conference provides state of the art of research on China-focused accounting, finance, auditing and corporate governance-related issues.

China Journal of Accounting Research (CJAR) was founded by Sun Yat-sen University, China and City University of Hong Kong in 2008. Published by LexisNexis (2008-10) and Elsevier (from 2011), CJAR aims to publish theoretical and empirical research that uses contemporary research methodology to investigate issues about accounting, finance, auditing and corporate governance in China and other markets.

Researchers from the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China have been making contributions to CJAR by actively participating in conferences organized by the Journal and by submitting their papers to the Journal. Currently, Professor Wei Minghai from Sun Yat-sen University, China and Professor Jeong-bon Kim from City University of Hong Kong are serving as co-editors of CJAR.

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