Monday 17 December 2012

School of Accounting and Finance Research Day

Promoting a research culture has been a guiding aim in the School of Accounting and Finance. To this end, Research Days are regularly held wherein postgraduate students and research active staff are provided the opportunity to report on their projects and share experiences.

The program is also valuable to presenters as they receive constructive feedback to clarify current issues and /or pursue new approaches. On 21 November, the School held its second Research Day for the year. Presentations were made by PhD student Dimuthu Ekanayake, DBA student Paramin Khositkulporn and staff, Dr Chitra DeSilva, Abdi Hassan, Helen Yang and Dr Rafael Paguio. Professor Beverly Jackling, Head of the School’s Financial Education Research Unit (third from right), presided over the proceedings.

Following tradition, an external guest speaker was invited to deliver the main presentation. Greg Stoner, Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Information Systems, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, Scotland (third from left) presented on Technology in Accounting Education. Greg called for systematically embedding Information technology in the Accounting curriculum. To pursue this, Greg proposed a holistic approach by incorporating perspectives from the Accounting discipline, desired education outcomes and practical industry requirements.

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